News / Phoenix
Early Mobilization Using Seating Matters Chairs
Prolonged bed rest and immobility contribute negatively to the physical function, pressure management and quality of life of the patient. Early mobilization in the earliest days of critical illness has been shown to improve long term outcomes for the patient, decrease repositioning needs, expedite discharge and reduce re-admissions. Too often we see an over reliance on bed rest for pressure care management, despite the fact that bed rest can have a detrimental effect on a patient’s health and recovery. The prescription of correct seating enables early mobilization by supporting the patient to get out of bed earlier and therefore positively impacts their clinical...
The Four Principles of Pressure Management in Seating
Martina Tierney, Occupational Therapist and Clinical Director of Seating Matters has dedicated most of her 30 year long career to researching the impact of seating on the quality of life of patients across the world, with a mission to change the world of healthcare seating through reducing the incidence of these debilitating pressure injuries/ulcers. In her most recent blog, Martina takes us through the four principals of pressure management in seating. A pressure injury is a localised injury to the skin and/or underlying tissue, usually over a bony prominence caused by pressure or pressure in combination with shear. Pressure injuries...
The Essential Specialist Seating Checklist
With over 30 years experience as an Occupational Therapist specialising in the provision of specialist seating, Martina Tierney outlines the essential checklist for specialist seating in her most recent blog. She lists 10 key chair checks to conduct for patients in order to get the maximum postural support and clinical benefits from a specialist chair. An individual should be assessed by a Seating Specialist and this may or may not be conducted in conjunction with a clinician such as an OT or PT. The recommended chair should be adjusted to meet the patient's individual postural and pressure care needs; do not accept a ‘one...
Choosing a Chair for my Elderly Relative
Martina Tierney qualified as an Occupational Therapist in 1983 and since that time worked in various settings including rehabilitation, mental health, nursing homes and community care. As Clinical Advisor to Seating Matters, Martina overseas her team working on education and clinical research. Through these key areas, they are changing the world of healthcare seating by improving the knowledge available to the healthcare community and by Education Workshops, Lunch 'n' Learns and presenting their latest research...
The Issue of Restraint
Martina Tierney recently published an interesting blog ‘Is it Ever Acceptable to Use Restraint?’ This is a question that comes up frequently during our Lunch & Learns and Seating Assessments and not always an easy one to answer. With a wealth of experience, Martina outlines key factors to consider with restraints. Often with late stage dementia patients and patients with other neurological conditions; they can pose a safety risk to themselves and to others. They might impulsively try to stand up whilst forgetting that they cannot weight bear, therefore they are a high falls risk. Another key concern is when patients might become...
Seating Matters Lunch & Learn
Seating Matters are changing the world of seating… and we are their proud partners. What is a Lunch & Learn? A Lunch & Learn is a FREE Hands on Clinical Training Session for your Team. During a Lunch & Learn session one of our Seating Specialists will visit your workplace or team meeting, at a time convenient to you, and present the latest research results from the ethically approved clinical study conducted by Ulster University and Seating Matters. This study showed a reduction in avoidable pressure ulcers by 88% in 12 weeks. We will provide evidence based solutions for seating people with different physical conditions including...
How Seating Matters Chairs are made
It's no secret that Seating Matters are leading the way in providing seating solutions throughout the world backed up by real clinical research and a 7 year warranty. Watch the video on how the chairs are made Why not book a lunch and learn through us to learn more about Seating Matters and their range of chairs. Contact Deirdre McMenamin by email or by phoning 01 8903932
Check out the team behind the Seating Matters chairs
For more information contact us on 01 8903932 or by email
As touching video transforming older people's lives
Seating Matters manufacture the Monaco, Atlanta, Sorrento, Phoenix range of seating systems for adults and children. What does that mean for you? In order for you to find and select the best chair for your needs; We will always do a seating assessment. We are the people in your area who are experts in adult and paediatric seating assessments and are highly trained by the clinical staff of Seating Matters. We will assess your needs, work with the users, family, care givers, clinicians and therapists to ascertain the best seating solutions for you. We offer Seating Matters assessments in the following counties:...