News / Nursing Homes
Field Sales Specialist
Elite Healthcare specialise in the Sales, Installation and Servicing of five product areas including patient handling, pressure injury prevention, showering & bathing systems, seating systems and rehabilitation. We are passionate about what we do and our team share the company vision and values. We are seeking to recruit a suitably experienced field based sales specialist to join our Elite team. The territory will cover 13 counties in Ulster and Leinster including North Dublin. Main Responsibilities: Promote the range of products to customers within the given territory. Carry out client and environment assessments and support clinicians with the product selection based...
Choosing a Chair for my Elderly Relative
Martina Tierney qualified as an Occupational Therapist in 1983 and since that time worked in various settings including rehabilitation, mental health, nursing homes and community care. As Clinical Advisor to Seating Matters, Martina overseas her team working on education and clinical research. Through these key areas, they are changing the world of healthcare seating by improving the knowledge available to the healthcare community and by Education Workshops, Lunch 'n' Learns and presenting their latest research...
The Issue of Restraint
Martina Tierney recently published an interesting blog ‘Is it Ever Acceptable to Use Restraint?’ This is a question that comes up frequently during our Lunch & Learns and Seating Assessments and not always an easy one to answer. With a wealth of experience, Martina outlines key factors to consider with restraints. Often with late stage dementia patients and patients with other neurological conditions; they can pose a safety risk to themselves and to others. They might impulsively try to stand up whilst forgetting that they cannot weight bear, therefore they are a high falls risk. Another key concern is when patients might become...
Service Level Agreements with Elite Healthcare
Approved maintenance programs extend product life, maintain performance and optimise value for customers. Our tailored service level agreements (SLA’s) are designed to suit customer’s individual needs. Why Choose Elite Healthcare? Service Level Agreements Our Service Level Agreements are designed to ensure equipment is serviced and maintained to the highest standard for our customers. Each piece of equipment is serviced as per the manufacturer’s recommendations and local laws. Our objective is to keep equipment fully operational, thereby maximizing resources and reducing overall costs. Our system will notify us when each service needs to be scheduled so our customers don’t need to...
Product Feature | Hygienio B1.N1 Mobile Disinfection Unit
Hygienio is the innovative and unique system that allows applying disinfectant on any surface, efficiently, quickly and without wetting. The disinfectant (Adantium) is added to the distilled water and then applied to the surface by means of a diffuser with vapour which means that it can get into difficult places. This leaves a microbicide film which is long lasting, homogeneous and provides a bacteriostatic effect over time. The product can then be used immediately with no down time. Adantium is nontoxic and can be used in close proximity to the patient. Hygienio distributes disinfectant (Adantium) through a hot two phase gas liquid...
Product Feature | Ruby Mobile In Bed Shower System
We were delighted to support the All Ireland Gerontological Nurses Association (AIGNA) at the Red Cow Hotel on 28th May. We brought the Reval Ruby mobile in bed shower system and are very happy with the response and positive feedback we received from the AIGNA members. Following on from the day and the feedback we have full information on the Ruby Shower System below. To book a trial of the Ruby Mobile Shower System in your facility, get in touch by phoning 018903932 or email us. The Ruby mobile in bed shower system has been designed to shower patients who cannot access...
Architects and Planners Day